Soyoung Bae ~
I missed you last night and the old lady at the window
Guest: Veronika Gabrielová
03. 12. - 03. 01. 2020
Vstupné: dobrovolné
Entry: donation
03. 12. 2019
︎6pm Opening
︎7pm Performance ︎8pm Artist Talk
The exhibition examining poetic possibilities, in a relation between what actually happened, what could have happened and what may happen. That leads us to a question of potentiality and spontaneity. It is often about weaving fictional moments that reflect specific cultural aspects through collecting various stories and images such as news reports, myths, personal stories, pop culture, advertisements, and internet memes. Exhibition through capturing the specific detail of events that are engaged with personal memories and social issues disassembles and reassembles in singles the elements.
Výstava zkoumá poetické možnosti ve vztahu mezi tím, co se skutečně stalo, co se mohlo stát a co se může stát. To nás vede k otázce potenciality a spontánnosti. Často se jedná o tkaní fikčních okamžiků, které odrážejí specifické kulturní aspekty, shromažďováním různých příběhů a obrázků, jako jsou zprávy, mýty, osobní příběhy, popkultura, reklamy a internetové vzpomínky. Výstava zachycuje konkrétní detaily událostí, které se zabývají osobními vzpomínkami a sociálními problémy, které rozebírá a znovu sestavuje v jednotlivé prvky.
It is about humanity
It is about emotions
It is about love
It is about hope
It is about dreams
It is about courage
It is about intimacy
It is about remembering
It is about fear
It is about mourning
It is about loss
It is about grief
It is about depression
It is about being a Nihilist
It is about things frustrate us and taking our dreams
It is about the moment that we share with strangers
It is about laughing at your own problems
It is about having a curiosity about the world
It is about realizing the gratitude of mundane routine
It is about caring for others and yourself
It is about being an observer
It is about having a will to wake up in the morning
It is about being sensitive
It is about thanking to the universe when you’re in sorrow
It is about knowing that we’re connected
It is about now, this moment and past
Projekt zahraničních rezidencí Petrohradská kolektiv a celoroční výstavní činnost Jedna Dva Tři gallery je v roce 2019 podporován hl. M. Prahou, Státním fondem kultury ČR a Městskou částí Praha 10.
Petrohradská kolektiv Residency Project and Exhibition Program Jedna Dva Tři Gallery is supported in 2019 by the City of Prague, the State Fund of Culture of the Czech Republic and the City District of Prague 10.