Noise Kitchen Festival 

v Petrohradské 

05. 09. 2020 

►14:00-19:00 Pájecí workshop pro začátečníky i pokročilé /// Soldering workshop, yay!
►18:00 OGJ (live)
►19:00 Stanislav Abrahám (live)
►20:00 Never Sol (live)
►21:00 Torr & Trauma (live)

Po několikaměsíčním zkušebním provozu Noise Kitchen slaví znovu-otevření prostoru na Krymské. Ve spolupráci s místními uměleckými kolektivy a podniky vás zve kromě NK a Synth Library Prague také do Petrohradské, Café v Lese, BARu v Krymský, Kina Pilotů nebo Lya Beer Café na různorodý program zahrnující koncerty, workshopy či diskuze.

Festival se zahájí v Kině Pilotů ojedinělým promítáním dokumentárního filmu o Tony Conradovi - za jehož zprostředkování patří díky Paul Williams a Vašulka Kitchen Brno

Vstupné / Entry: tba
Celofestivalové* přes GoOut (tba) nebo denní vstup na místě.  All-day* and one-day tickets (tba)
*vyjma středeční projekce / excluding the Wendesday screening

Between September 3rd - 5th Noise Kitchen presents the Noise Kitchen Festival: a program of workshops and live music celebrating the official opening of the Prague store and collaborating with inspiring spaces and collectives operating in the neighbourhood. The events will take place between Noise Kitchen, Synth Library Prague, Petrohradska, Cafe v Lese, Lya Beer Cafe, BAR Krymska. As part of the curation, Synth Library Prague will bring a varied selection of workshops, discussions that will take place between Noise Kitchen on Krymska and Synth Library in Nusle.

︎︎︎Noise Kitchen

A community-driven store and workshop space dedicated to electronic /electro-acoustic /experimental music, sound art and DIY culture, selling music instruments, making workshops, lectures or selling music records. It’s roots are in the modular synthesizers community - Noise Kitchen is affiliated to Bastl Instruments and Nona Records.

︎︎︎ Synth Library Prague

Synth Library Prague (situated Pod Terebkou, Nusle) is an independent platform supporting education, creative dialogue and the implementation of projects in the field of electronic music and sound arts. SLP works as a community space where you can come, make music, listen to music, read books and collaborate. It is a space for regular workshops, discussions, open mixes and music feedback sessions.

photo Marie Leličová, Daniel Konopáč