

08. 04. 2024


Mark your calendars! Our next Creative AI Meet-Up is happening sooner than expected.

To build on our last session, we’ll dive deeper into AI video, exploring unmentioned techniques, sharing projects, and discussing workflows.Want to steer the direction of our meet-up? Join our Discord channel to share your preferences and suggestions.
Whether you have topics to discuss, wish to lead a workshop or talk, or propose a collaborative project, we’re open to your ideas!

Let’s shape this meet-up together:

Please, register for the event in advance to secure your spot!

Who Should Join?
Artists, designers, and other creatives experimenting with AI in their workflows.
Programmers with a passion for creative projects and generative AI.
Anyone using or interested in AI for creative, unconventional purposes.
Individuals eager to engage in critical and ethical discussions about AI, including feminist and alternative AI approaches.Our Focus:
Exploring the intersections of human-AI interaction, responsible AI, and human-AI co-creation.
Enhancing creative workflows with AI.
Providing a platform for like-minded individuals to connect, share work, receive feedback, and spark collaborations.
Sharing insights and learning new methodologies to keep pace with rapid advancements in generative AI and alleviate FOMO.

These meet-ups are co-created by the growing community of Creative AI enthousiasts in Prague and abroad, initiated and organized by the Uroboros Collective:

Connect With Us:
For more information on Creative AI Meetups and our collective endeavors, feel free to reach out at

Provoz kulturních aktivit Petrohradská kolektiv je v roce 2024 finančně podpořen Ministerstvem kultury ČR, Magistrátem hlavního města Prahy, a Městskou částí Prahy 10.

The production of the cultural activities of the Petrohradská kolektiv is financially supported in 2024 by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, Municipality of the City of Prague, and the Municipal District of Prague 10.