Fatine-Violette Sabiri

curator: Edita Štrajtová

14. 12. 2020 - 04. 01. 2021

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Fatine-Violette Sabiri

14. 12. 2020 - 4. 01. 2021


A series of photographs, displayed in a calligraphic rhythm, each introducing its own abstract, intimate universe. Fatine-Violette Sabiri’s work in Chocolaterie seeks to stimulate curiosity through ambiguous compositions created in closed spaces. The walls behind the photographs become surfaces for play, on which the implication of cursive handwriting offers a sliver of romance. In the photograph themselves, objects and spaces become their own agent. Thei presence seems to be rooted in wait, suspense, and maybe eve magic. A closer look into these objects’ circumstances seeks t inquire exactly how meaningful they are — or perhaps how meaningful we want them to be — and tickles our constant need for verity and situational context. Can these images, though constructe from a state of honest curiosity, be described as “truthful”? In revealing and questioning the existence of these scenes, they become vehicles reflecting one’s own expectations. In Chocolaterie we are looking at spaces as feigned interiors, at objects as make-believe characters with a life of their own. How true is the self-reliance of these objects, the autonomy of these spaces? And does this truth matter?

photo by Max Vajt

Projekt Artist-in-Residence 2020 Petrohradská kolektiv a Celoroční výstavní program Jedna Dva Tři gallery je finančně podpořen Ministerstvem kultury České republiky, Státním fondem kultury České republiky, Magistrátem hlavního města Prahy a Městskou částí Praha 10.

The Artist-in-Residence 2020 Petrohradská kolektiv project and The year - round exhibition program of Jedna Dva Tři gallery is financially supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, the State Fund for Culture of the Czech Republic, the City of Prague and the City District of Prague 10.