Abstract Landscapes - Animation and Film Studio UMPRUM vol. 3

Petrohradská 438/13 Prague 10
16. 01. 2025 19:30

Vstupné: dobrovolné
Entry: donation

BLOOD, SWEAT, TEARS, LOVE, ANIMATION: Abstract Landscapes / Animation and Film Studio UMPRUM vol. 3

We are happy for your participation last year during the screening of Sonic and Narrative Landscapes in our cozy cinema. This will be the last part of collab with Animation and Film Studio UMPRUM called Abstract Landscapes. 🩶

Abstract and non-narrative films offer a space for significant artistic freedom, experimentation with the chosen animation techniques, and exploration of forms outside the traditional narrative arc. This cinematic landscape is often intended for more discerning viewers who enjoy being provoked into reflecting on meanings and who embrace animation as a medium for evocation, symbolism, and capturing the invisible and elusive. A program of films that invites both playful engagement and deeper contemplation.

The screening will take place in cinema, entry is free.

Animation and Film studio - Academy of Art, Architecture and Design in Prague (UMPRUM)

Exploration, experimentation, animation, audiovisual work, short film, artistic solution, seeking and finding, joy! We build upon traditions, but at the same time, the studio explores formal crossovers and possibilities for experimenting with audiovisual works as such. The Animation and Film Studio offers students a platform for pushing the boundaries of animation. Throughout their studies, students learn about movement ergonomics and explore a variety of traditional and digital animation techniques, always with a strong focus on understanding the evolution of their work over time.
BLOOD, SWEAT, TEARS, LOVE, ANIMATION: Abstract Landscapes / Animation and Film Studio UMPRUM vol. 3

Abstraktní filmy nabízejí prostor pro výraznou uměleckou svobodu, experimentování s animačními technikami a zkoumání forem mimo tradiční narativní oblouk. Tato filmová krajina je často určena náročnějším divákům, kteří se rádi nechávají vyprovokovat k úvahám o významech a kteří vnímají animaci jako médium pro evokaci, symboliku a zachycení neviditelných a nepolapitelných. Program filmů, který vybízí jak k hravému angažmá, tak k hlubšímu rozjímání.

Projekce proběhne v kině, vstup je volný.

Provoz kulturních aktivit Petrohradská kolektiv je v roce 2024 finančně podpořen Ministerstvem kultury ČR, Hlavním městem Praha a Městskou částí Prahy 10, Národním plánem obnovy ze zdrojů Evropské unie.

The production of the cultural activities of the Petrohradská kolektiv is financially supported in 2024 by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, Capital city of Prague, and the Municipal District of Prague 10.