Cosy Special ~ Machine Knitting & Paper Folding

Tempo Prague - Nádražní 1272/15, Prague, Czech Republic 15000

16. 12. 2024 18:00

Vstupné: dobrovolné
Entry: donation

An exhibition, pop-up, and workshops to brighten up the gloomy pre-Christmas season.
You can view and purchase unique pieces of machine-knitted work by Bronislava Orlická (@bronislava_orlicka_tattoo), who uses open-source knitting techniques on a 90s-era domestic machine to create delicate viscose knitwear resembling spider webs.

The event will also feature a new type of lighting, Floralis, by Michaela Doležalová (@jasna_studio), who specializes in designing interior lighting made from handmade paper. Additionally, Zuzana Smrkovská (@zuzana_smrkovska), a teacher of machine knitting technologies at UMPRUM, will bring her digital knitting machine to knit two-color graphic patches during the pop-up. Zuzana and Michaela also collaborate on knitted lighting fixtures under the brand @svitna_project, which you can explore at the event.

Furthermore, Markéta Krčková (@greta_ka_) will lead a Pajaki workshop, teaching participants to create hanging decorations made from natural materials. These decorations, rooted in various European folklore traditions, are believed to protect homes.

At the pop-up, you’ll have the opportunity to purchase limited-edition knitted and paper art pieces.

To attend the Pajaki workshop, reservations are required. Sign up HERE

Provoz kulturních aktivit Petrohradská kolektiv je v roce 2024 finančně podpořen Ministerstvem kultury ČR, Magistrátem hlavního města Prahy, a Městskou částí Prahy 10.

The production of the cultural activities of the Petrohradská kolektiv is financially supported in 2024 by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, Municipality of the City of Prague, and the Municipal District of Prague 10.