Static Echo: BA (Hons) Fine Art Experimental Media II multimedia exhibition

18. 04. 2024
We would like to invite you to second year's BA (Hons) Fine Art Experimental Media multimedia exhibition Static Echo, which will be held in the KINO at Petrohradská Kolektiv.
Opening hours of the exhibition:
18.04. - 17:00 - 20:00 (opening)
19.04. - 12:00 - 20:00
We live in an age of disconnect. Humankind developed and built signal towers, servers and smart devices to reach and connect us with one another, but somehow it pushed us further away than ever before. In this paradoxical hyperconnected isolation, we find ourselves living in our own personal version of Plato’s cave. In it, there is a small virtual stage where every individual gets to be the star of their own one-act internet theater play. We feel this reality is bringing us to a point of stagnation, being social creatures after all, and we identify a chance to break these imaginary barriers. Using the fragmented spectrum of artistic expression that is the group of second year’s Fine Art Experimental Media students, we gather in celebration of how our diverse backgrounds and life experiences can poke through the everyday cacophony of monotone sponsored content.
Yelizaveta Ziborova
Victor Marage
Veer Manghnani
Rigoberto Gallardo
Maria Vakhrusheva
Leo Nikolaev
Khaing Zin Zin Thant
Imroz Inam
David Henyš
Kontinuální činnost Petrohradská kolektiv je v roce 2024 finančně podpořena Ministerstvem kultury ČR, Hlavním městem Praha, Městskou částí Praha 10.
The continuous activity of the Petrohradská kolektiv is financially supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, the City of Prague, and the Municipal District of Prague 10.