Makkali_org ~
Black sea
21. 08. - 30. 08. 2019
Vstupné: dobrovolné
Entry: donation
21. 08. 2019
︎7pm Opening
︎6pm Artist Talk
︎8pm DJ set by Mor Wen
Makkali_org is an collective_an artist run non space. Makkali is prepared from various types of vegetables. Let`s be united by our variety. Various ways lead to the sea - ours ended on the
Black Sea`s coast. I wish we all were on vacation - being elsewhere opens new ways of existence. Let’s celebrate new ways and prepare a sustainable makkali future.
Black Sea`s coast. I wish we all were on vacation - being elsewhere opens new ways of existence. Let’s celebrate new ways and prepare a sustainable makkali future.

Výstavní program Petrohradská kolektiv z.s. na rok 2019 byl podpořen Státním fondem kultury ČR, Magistrátem hlavního města Prahy a Městskou části Praha 10.
Exhibition program Petrohradská kolektiv z.s. is supported in 2019 by the State Fund of Culture of the Czech Republic, the City of Prague, and the City District of Prague 10.