Noise Kitchen Open Jam
24. 05. 2023
Live music playground. Everyone is welcome, no matter if you're a skilled musician or a beginner. Let's meet and play together or just come hang out, listen to the music and have a drink.
You can bring your instrument(s). And if you don't have any, that's cool too - you can play anything that's plugged in on the table!
If you already know you want to come, let us know at: noisekitchendiy@gmail.com - it will give us a rough idea of what to expect.
But it's ok if you decide to come last minute too.
Feel free to ask about anything!
Kontinuální činnost Petrohradská kolektiv je v roce 2023 finančně podpořena Ministerstvem kultury ČR, Hlavním městem Praha, Městskou částí Praha 10. Noise Kitchen aktivity jsou v letošním roce podpořeny Ministerstvem kultury ČR.
The continuous activity of the Petrohradská kolektiv is financially supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, the City of Prague, and the Municipal District of Prague 10. Noise Kitchen activities are supported this year by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.